Some time, many years ago, the concept of the Seven Wonders of the World was created. Fair enough, the world was a somewhat smaller place back then, so seven was a good number. Now, with only one of those original seven still around, and the world somewhat larger, I thought it would be a great idea to revisit this Ancient Wonders concept, expand the total by three to an even 10, and look to only those sites that are still around and can be visited.
There is nothing really scientific about this list…no weighted formulas or complex calculations. For me, these Ancient Wonders are a combination of many things including age, complexity of the building / site, how they might have drawn attention in their day, their uniqueness…and more. I don’t believe the list to be perfect, and am open to all suggestions, but being, well, my list, I like it. Click "Learn More" below to see the list...

Thinking about the concept of Wonders of the World, I did not really think it fair to compare Ancient Wonders with those built somewhat more recently. In my mind, many of the criteria used to evaluate are quite different, although some possibly still the same.
For example, the inherent beauty (very much a relative term) and the amount of design work and engineering that went into each Wonder, Ancient or Modern, is still something we want to consider. However, it can be much easier to build a Wonder in the Modern (or near Modern) world than it was say 1000 to 2000 years ago. The longevity of an Ancient Wonder is also something that we have yet to really measure with a Modern Wonder.
Yes, the Modern Wonders are special and unique in themselves, and something that we all can appreciate and respect, for any number of reasons. As we travel around the globe seeking places to view and things to do, these 10 Modern Wonders should be on just about any bucket list. Click "Learn More" to see this Top 10 List...

Right…these are hard. So much comes down to individual’s personal perception and really what we each may consider a Wonder to consist of. Several of these might be unknown to many, in fact in all possibility there may be some that only know of one or two of these. Not a problem, this is purely subjective, but may well be worth checking out some that you may not know of.
I tried to create a list here that was reasonably diverse, not necessarily unique, although a few of them are, but extraordinary and wonderful in their own way. Without a doubt, an argument could be made for inclusion of other sites over these, however as before, being my list…this is what I have settled on. A list of Honorable Mentions will be made in time, and as with all lists of Wonders, some may be replaced pending feedback and consideration. Click "Learn More" to see the Top 10 List
Very Cool ! I've now added pyramids of Giza to my Bucket list !
Wow, what a great site. Places to go, things to see. Gives me more incentive to visit the Coliseum next time I'm in Rome. History is still worth looking at.